The documentary follows a dedicated family in Georgia who has fostered children for over 20 years, opening their hearts and home to dozens of kids from the state’s foster care system. Through their journey, the film reveals the challenges and triumphs of fostering, shedding light on the deep bonds formed with each child and the transformative power of unconditional love. It also highlights the complexities and critical needs within Georgia’s foster care system, where limited resources often mean children face uncertain futures. The family’s story is a testament to resilience, compassion, and the lasting impact of a nurturing environment. We will engage with some of the agencies that train individuals that are interested in fostering or adopting children in the foster care system.
Demi Dixon
Your contribution to this documentary will help bring more awareness to youth in foster care, the agencies and families of the foster system. This awareness will also help our organization with more resources to assist youth in underserved communities by providing internships, on the job experience for youth, veterans and future filmmakers! We pride in creating and providing outlets for social and emotional learning.